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Interview With: Calva Louise

Posted on Tuesday 18th April 2023 at 16:00

Jimi Arundell

Written by
Jimi Arundell


Small in number but big in sound; Calva Louise are the London-based metalcore trio bursting out of the underground with their brash attitude and killer tracks.  

Following on from their debut album Rhinoceros and second record Euphoric, Jess Allanic (lead vocals/guitar), Alizon Taho (backing vocals/bass), Ben Parker (drums) are building up to release their new EP Over The Threshold which they take on tour next month. Calva Louise will be taking over The Bodega on Tuesday 23rd of May CLICK HERE to book your tickets with Gigantic right now!



Firstly, where did the band name come from?

We took Calva from the Spanish title of Ionesco's play "The Bald Soprano" that represented for us a metaphor of the absurdity of a band’s life, that can be absurd and funny at the same time. And we chose Louise thinking in a symbolic character playing a role in the stories of our songs lyrics.

And you all come from three different countries. How did you all meet and begin playing together?

Jess grew up in Venezuela and moved to France at 16 years old where she met Alizon in school, then they started a band and moved to London where they met Ben.

We love the intense industrial electronic edge to your sound. Who are your influences?

We grew up listening to Nine Inch Nails, Queens Of the Stone Age, System of a Down and Muse! But also, bands like Calle 13, Noir Désir and Carpenter Brut are big influences for us!


This month has seen the release of new single “Feast Is Over”. What can you tell us about it?

“Feast Is Over” talks about when the circumstances push us back to square one and we often think that the best thing to do is to start over. But when we choose to go forward, fighting and assuming the consequences of our own decisions, it feels like accepting a new challenge to get out of a loop once and for all.

The video for “Feast Is Over” is incredible! What it like starring in your very own gritty science fiction film?

It was a great experience because we have the freedom to create and also to develop the story every time a bit more, and thanks to the experience of learning how to do things by ourselves, we know what to expect as a result. Also, by having the choice of how to shoot, direct, edit and create the special effects, we feel we can accomplish our ideas faster!

We feel very lucky to live in a time where technology is evolving fast allowing us to be able to make a small production with only the three of us and our friend Blake who stars in the video!

Does this mean a new album is on its way?

A mixtape! We’re announcing on the 23rd of April all the details about it!

Any plans to hit the festivals this year?

We’re doing a couple of great festivals in the UK but also in Spain and in France, we are very excited to play more new songs live!

And what else will you be doing in 2023?

We’ll be releasing a lot more new music and music videos, also touring and of course keeping on making more new music!


Get your Calva Louise tickets with Gigantic today!



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