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Gigantic Gets To Know: The Clause

Posted on Thursday 3rd November 2022 at 13:00

Bethan Boast

Written by
Bethan Boast


Brummy four-piece, The Clause bring together the swagger of the 60s, the rolling groove of the 80s and the riotous verve and attitude of the 90s. Pearce Macca, Niall Fennell, Jonny Fyffe and Liam Deakin effortlessly combine huge hooks with gritty verses, indie sensibilities and rhythm and blues groove and melodies to create an altogether different beast.

The music defies categorisation, rolling seamlessly from crashing percussion to huge, swinging bass. There are epic singalong choruses destined for stadiums and packed festival main stages, and darker, edgier moments evoking late-night cruises down dingy back streets. The band have been together since they were kids and they have matured into one of the UK’s most exciting new bands.

They a heading out on tour in December, so gift yourselves a rockin’ Christmas treat! CLICK HERE to grab your tickets for The Clause!



The lads were kind enough to answer a few of our questions: 


Your sound emanates the sound of the 60s, 80s and 90s, who are your biggest influences? 

It’s hard to put a finger on our biggest influences because we have so many. We’re massive fans of the Rolling Stones and Arctic Monkeys and grew up listening to the bands who were pioneers of the 90s Brit-pop era, these groups really got us into music and ignited our dreams of being in our own band and making our own music. As we progressed into our late teens we discovered music from the 70s and 80s like CHIC, ABBA and other disco influences which have seeped their way into our music


What is your favourite thing about touring, and apart from your hometown, Birmingham, where is your favourite place to perform?

Our favourite bit about touring is turning up to a city, miles away from where we started our career and being greeted by hundreds of people belting the words to our songs back at us on stage. It’s really hard to describe how fulfilling it is to see how our music has spread and connected with so many people, it’s the best feeling in the world. It’s really tough to pick one favourite place, we love everywhere we play. If forced we’d probably say Liverpool, the gigs there are always unreal and we’re blessed to have such a good following there. We always have a mega night out there after the show so that city holds so many good memories for us. 


Your latest EP Forever Young has had a great response. For anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure of listening, can you describe the themes of the EP? And what is your favourite track? 

This collection of songs depict tales of our youth, telling stories of our encounters and experiences. 

Our favourite track would have to be Forever Young, it’s all about sticking your fingers up to the modern world and living in the moment, a theme we’ve tried to reflect across a lot of our material.



What does 2023 hold for The Clause? A debut album perhaps? 

We’re going to take ‘23 by storm. Releasing our best material yet and stepping up with a massive tour, playing bigger and better venues to bigger crowds up and down the country and overseas. We are building towards that album… We’re going to be releasing a big collection of music this year containing some of our best material yet. Then when the time is right we will drop that album. 


We would like to know who you guys are listening to at the moment. Which bands/artists pop up on the tour playlist? 

We’re really into the new Foals album at the moment, that’s cropping up on all our playlists. We’ve been listening to a lot of Silk Sonic’s debut album this year as well. They’re two of our favourite new records. 


You’re about to go on tour with The Reytons, which will be great practice for your own string of shows! How excited are you for the coming months? 

Can’t describe how pumped we are to get back out on the road. We love The Reytons and we can’t wait to go out and smash it on their UK tour. It’s incredible what they’ve achieved and we feel blessed to be a part of it and to be able to play some of the venues we’ve always dreamed of playing. Then we go straight into our own string of dates playing a couple of our favourite cities along with some new places we’ve never visited and a lot of new faces. 

All this will be capped off with our biggest-ever show in our hometown to 1500 people at Birmingham’s 02 Institute. It’s going to be an unbelievable couple of months and we can’t wait for you all to join us. If you haven’t already, grab a ticket and come and be a part of this journey, we’ll see you on the road x


📆 December

09/05    The Reytons (The Clause support)– The Bodega, Nottingham

21/05    The Clause – The Bodega, Nottingham

22/05    The Clause – Sidney & Matilda, Sheffield

23/05    The Clause – O2 Institute Birmingham, Birmingham

The Clause tickets are currently available with Gigantic.


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